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Self Report VI


1.      Purposes of practicum
The purposes of practicum are :
1.      To develop our teaching skills and get experience to teach in the real class
2.      To develop our English skills
3.      To know school systems in another country
2.      Procedurs of practicum
The procedurs of practicum are :
1.      Observe in some classes
2.      Make lesson plans
3.      Prepare the lesson
4.      Make media of learning like group worksheet, individual worksheet and power point
5.      Practice to teach in class
6.      Evaluation
7.      Reflection
      This activies i did about 4 weeks (1 month), in first week i observ in some class, in second week i become a teacher assistant, in third week i practice to teach in class and i teach in Mathayom 2, in fourth week it is evaluation and reflection about my teaching skills
3.      Outcomes of practicum
In in practicum I got much experience. Because it’s my first time to teach student in real class because i never teach in class before and I got new knowledge of how to teach in front of the students. And to my English skills I learn much about it. Then because this school was very discipline I had more more value like I must discipline and respect for other people.
4.      The challenges of practicum
I got some challenges thing when I was practice in Teeratada Phitsanulok School, such as:
1)      I think I got culture shock, little bit difficult to adapt especially about food.
2)      I could not speak in Thai and its difficult when I want buy something, I could not understand what the seller said.
3)      It was my first time to come to another country
4)      In school the student had good ability in English not only in Mathayom but also in Prathom, so we easy to communicate with them.
5)      In practiced teaching, because they students always learn science in Thai  they little bit confused about some term in English and I must explain with simple example so they are easy to understand about the topic.
5.      Overall Impression
This programme make me had a lot experience. I met a lot of  kind people how always treat me well. The students also kind to and their English skills was very good not only Mathayom but English skills students in Prathom was good too. So, we easy to communicate and teach them. For the teacher in school they very helped us and very kind. This experience make me learn more and more not only for my teaching skill and English but how to make myself discipline.
6.      Suggestions for future improvement 
      After finished this program, I got a suggestions that I hope can make this program better in future : Each country has a different rule about teaching hours so need to reconsider of the teaching hours. 


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Self Report II

PEDAGOGICAL CONTENTS 1.       Teaching Method Science teachers have their own methods to teach their student. After I observed my mentor teacher Nan when he was teaching, there are three steps. First, teacher will present about the topic they want to teach. It is ad the introduce the topic and they will show the topic on the projector and power point to make student easy to understands what will they learn. Second, they will gave some example to make it clear. Then teacher will ask the student express their opinions. And teacher will make student read some science terms in English because they always now science in Thai but did not know in English. So, its importans to student to know some science term in English. Because they also have science in English and they   learn it in extra class in weekend. 2.       Learning materials and innovation The teacher use material based on basic core curriculum and science book....

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Teeratada Phitsanulok School My name is Ni Made Ary Damayanti and I am from Bali, Indonesia. It was my first time join this programe and my first time to teach in real class. I would practice my teaching skill at Teeratada Phitsanulok School. Before I practice my teaching skills, teacher gave me a time table and student list name and teacher mentor. My mentor was teacher Nan.   Teeratada Phitsanulok School is private school and they had dormintory for student. The school start from 07.00 a.m until 05.00. For dormintory student they had breakfast at 07.00 a.m, at 12.00 until 01.00 p.m all of them had breakfast and at 05.00 p.m the dormintory student had their dinner. Other than that, they also had twice break time after had two period in the class. Teeratada Phitsanulok School had kindergarden, elementary school and junior high school. But   for kinderganden had separate building and for elementary school and junior high school had same buildin...